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  • Case study: How we help a restaurant activate a new source of revenue

Case study: How we help a restaurant activate a new source of revenue

We teamed up to unveil a whole new revenue stream

Here is a recent case study from one of our clients that you will appreciate:

The Challenge: So, picture this – our client was shelling out big bucks for social media marketing, but couldn't quite nail down the return on their investment. After a heart-to-heart chat, we discovered they had some tools tucked away in their Toast system that were gathering dust.

The Fix: We had an aha moment! Why not give email marketing a try? They loved the idea, and guess what? It worked wonders! We teamed up to unveil a whole new revenue stream through our Kommunity marketing services.

So, if you're a fellow restaurant owner looking to partner with folks who speak your language and know their way around platforms like Toast or Square, we can help! Hit that link below to book yourself a chat with us.

This service is done on a peformance basis, and your restaurant must have the following in order to qualify:

1- Toast or Square in order to track sales from email marketing.

2- A minimum of 500 emails in your list.

3- Able to negotaite a 3% to 5% comissison with us from sales directly generated from email only.

Can't wait to chat!